Rational Tau

Rational® Tau® provides standards-based, model-driven development of complex systems and software for information systems and enterprise IT applications, including SOA.

  • Supports model-driven Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) development
  • Provides automated error checking, rules-based model checking, and a model-based explorer
  • Integrates requirements modeling and embedded application development so development teams can focus on building what is needed for a project or program
  • Enables collaboration to quickly and easily communicate and share even the largest projects among all stakeholders
  • Automatically generates custom reports and documentation at any point in the development cycle
  • Provides automated test generation and execution
  • Features an open architecture based on UML 2.1, which allows you to extend customize Tau for your organization
  • Operating systems supported: Sun Solaris, Windows

Rational® Tau® is a UML® 2.1-based, model-driven development (MDD) environment offering superior capabilities for solving the today’s complex information systems challenges. Whether for internal supply chain systems, customer-facing support networks, real-time net-centric operations and warfare — or any other mission-critical distributed application — the Tau collaborative modeling environment embraces the full systems and software development lifecycle, providing you with a competitive edge for requirements-driven application design and systems engineering.

The Tau capabilities help you:

  • Fully embrace SOA
  • Simulate your designs and test for errors as you develop
  • Implement a requirements-driven approach
  • Collaborate across teams and organizations
  • Automate your document generation
  • Design, develop, and deliver high-quality software
  • Automatically generate, execute, and manage test cases
  • Extend and customize your modeling environment
  • Integrate with Rational System Architect® and other ELM solutions

System Requirements

Operating system: Linux, UNIX, Windows


    • Windows XP
    • Sun Solaris
    • Redhat Enterprise Linux
    • Citrix XPe


    • Java SDK (versions 1.4, 5, 6)
    • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET C++/C#
    • gnu gcc
    • Sun Studio C/C++


    • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
    • Eclipse


    • J2EE
    • Java EE 5
    • J2SE
    • Java SE 5
    • Java SE 6


    • 450MB disk space minimum
    • 256MB RAM minimum
    • 2048MB RAM recommended