Rational DOORS Analyst Add On

IBM® Rational® DOORS Analyst Add On provides a powerful, easy-to-learn requirements modeling capability for creating models, pictures, and diagrams of requirements inside Rational DOORS.

  • Provides requirements capture ability through a visual modeling environment
  • Helps to clarify textual requirements by augmenting them with intuitive, visual models
  • Integrated with IBM Rational Tau® to export models to Tau for reuse by system architects and software developers
  • Updates visual models when requirements change in Rational DOORS, ensuring data integrity
  • Enables design and analyze complex system models using UML and SysML
  • Helps visualize, represent, and understand complicated operational and systems architectures by supporting most of the views defined in the DoDAF specifications

This powerful modeling facility enables requirements analysts to supplement textual requirements with pictures, visualize and simulate complex systems based on Unified Modeling Language™ (UML) and Systems Modeling Language™ (SysML). The ability to further express the requirements can enhance communication and collaboration, improving quality by increasing the chance that the requirement is understood.

The requirements modeling capabilities of Rational DOORS Analyst Add On enhance requirements management through:

  • Requirements capture

Rational DOORS Analyst Add On is a visual modeling environment available inside Rational DOORS, a leading requirements management tool. Its visual modeling of use cases, for example, provides an excellent approach for requirements capture. It creates a simple and powerful way for you to communicate with customers and end users.

  • Requirements clarification

By augmenting textual requirements with pictures or models, Rational DOORS Analyst Add On helps clarify requirements and create a common understanding among all team members, particularly because the modeling languages used are UML and SySML, which are widely understood by systems engineers and software developers. Rational DOORS Analyst Add On also offers full access to the UML meta-model to help analysts define profiles and domain specific languages (DSL) and notations.

Supplementing textual requirements with pictures creates richer requirement definitions, improving the chances for quality by deepening understanding.

  • Foundation to enhance productivity

Rational DOORS Anaylst Add On can help system architects and software developers save time and ensure a requirements-driven development process across all teams by allowing them to:

    • Export Rational DOORS Analyst Add On models to IBM Rational Tau®, a comprehensive UML 2.0 development tool
    • Reuse existing IBM Rational Tau models without the need to recreate these in IBM Rational DOORS Analyst Add On
    • Access models under development either from IBM Rational DOORS Analyst Add On or IBM Rational Tau
    • Clone and edit shared models
    • Fully execute the captured model in IBM Rational DOORS by animating the otherwise static model, using the IBM Rational Tau model simulation and execution engine

To jump-start modeling, UML diagrams can be automatically populated with UML elements created in the requirements document prior to editing them as models inside DOORS Analyst Add On. User-defined graphical symbols and pictures (bitmaps) in the requirements objects can be used when describing systems; this can enhance presentation and simplify communication with stakeholders. Links from DOORS textual requirements to UML model elements provide easy navigation. Models are stored within the DOORS requirements database, eliminating the need to learn separate applications.

Furthermore DOORS Analyst Add On offers a comprehensive system engineering solution by enabling system architects and software developers to use multiple profiles simultaneously, such as SysML and DoDAF.

DOORS Analyst Add On, with its support for computation-independent models (CIM), together with Rational Tau for platform-independent models (PIM) and platform-specific models (PSM) provides an integrated environment supporting the OMG (Object Management Group) MDA® (Model-Driven Architecture®).

  • Data integrity features

To ensure consistency, when changes occur to textual requirements or models in Rational DOORS, the corresponding visual model or text is updated. Links from DOORS textual requirements to UML model elements help ensure full traceability. In contrast to pure drawing tools, Rational DOORS Analyst Add On provides a model aware environment, which can help you create models with fewer errors. Models are stored within the DOORS requirements database, allowing them to be baselined in DOORS. Modules and projects can be archived and restored using the same functionality as in IBM Rational DOORS (including traceability links).

System Requirements

Operating System: Windows


    • Windows 2000 Professional
    • Windows 2000 Server
    • Windows XP Professional
    • Windows 2000 Server (for Citrix XPe clients)
    • Windows 2003 Server (for Citrix XPe clients)


    • 200MB disk space minimum
    • 128MB RAM minimum